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Waqas iqbal




Jul 21, 2023


Preshent combines sustainability and economic prosperity. Through our Clean Energy & Sustainability ecosystem, Strategic Clean Energy Systems, and Sustainability Capital Programs, we drive positive change while prioritizing financial viability.


As the Tech Lead in a dynamic product-focused environment within a Renewable Energy startup, I lead a team of five engineers, with our primary focus on the MERN stack and AWS technologies. One of my key responsibilities involves establishing and refining processes related to Code Reviews, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CICD), Git workflows, and the hiring of top-tier talent. Additionally, I play a pivotal role in solidifying engineering standards across the team, ensuring a cohesive and high-performing development environment.

In the realm of architecture design, I am instrumental in implementing robust solutions for cloud services, applications, and databases, leveraging my expertise to optimize performance and scalability. Project management is seamlessly executed using Jira, while GitHub serves as our reliable source code hosting platform. This multifaceted approach contributes to the success and innovation of our Renewable Energy startup as we navigate the challenges of the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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